Saturday, March 1, 2008

leprosy sucks

i am not invited to my friend's bachelor-ette party. 

i am allowed to be the guest book attendant but i am not invited to the party with some of my closest friends. 

i feel like a leper.

p.s. this is the 3rd wedding for me to attend in one year. without a date.

p.p.s this is the 3rd wedding of 4 that i have been the guest book attendant. 

p.p.p.s i'm lonely. really lonely.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Post wedding comment:

I wouldn't be too sad about being there. After the rehearsal we (Sarah, Christina, and I) went to Danika's house and waited for Stephanie and Lizzy. We pretty much sat there for a while, had some water, Danika turned on the TV and we watched about fifteen minutes of a Lifetime movie. Then Stephanie and Liz got there and we sat there for a few more minutes. Around 11:00 Liz had to leave, and we watched about a half hour of "The Holiday" before the DVD player got mad, then we went to bed. Not really a huge amazing thing to miss.

Love you.