Saturday, December 1, 2007

here's to good friends

i had an excellent evening last night. it was quite possibly the most fun i have had in a long time. pictures will be up next week when i get them developed.

i also had an excellent conversation with a friend of mine, which in turn, made us even better friends. hurrah for that. it isn't often when you find someone that you can be that comfortable, that candid with. i haven't been able to be so introspective with someone in a long time.

i am annoyed with myself for only using lower case i's (and the dot above the "i" is definitely called a tittle) but i am so sleepy to go back and change all of them.

there is also a key stuck in our back door. looks like someone got mad at the frozen lock and twisted off their key.

time for the office now, and much productivity. but first, i need to make a list. and put a load in the wash.

that's all for now,


EDIT: and to cheese danishes. those are also excellent. along with the people that buy them. :)


a.jane said...

thanks weekendhack!

i think you're pretty great too...
