Tuesday, January 1, 2008

in retrospect...

i have changed so much this year. and many firsts as well...

- first (and hopefully not last) actual relationship where i like a boy and he likes me. and we actually tell each other that. shocker. :)

- first (and hopefully not last) trip overseas, London and Paris in May

- first time to Boston and Philadelphia (October and December respectively)

- first semester with a 3.8 GPA

- first actual date to a formal event (even if it wasn't spectacular, it was nice)

One of my best and oldest friends said it best the other day: "I could find someone but I don't want just anyone. I want the one. I would rather wait for that right one than throw myself at the next unsuspecting person of the male persuasion."

I think that will be the theme for 2008.